About Talita Torres

Talita has completed a Bachelor degree in Naturopathy and Medical Herbalism at Wellpark in New Zealand which promotes deep knowledge about the human body and its interaction within itself and its environment in health and disease.

Based on this sound knowledge about the body’s systems and how it works to fight disease and promote health, Talita can support you on your journey to health by educating, counselling and guiding you through the necessary steps to achieve your health goals.

“ The decisive moment when I decided to step away from my previous career to study and practice Naturopathy was when I realised how much basic knowledge can impact someone’s health and quality of life and just how much the naturopathic practice is focused on educating and empowering clients to be able to make their own informed decisions to look after their own health.

I believe all types of medicine have their place, including conventional practice, however I have never believed that masking symptoms was the best solution to treat any form of ailments. Naturopathy looks at the root cause for any health concerns from a holistic perspective considering way beyond only physical factors; it also understands that the body’s unique ability to heal itself will always be the best medicine available, and all we need to do is to support it in achieving it by making good choices every day.

Understanding what are the best choices for your health in the present moment and how it can be implemented into your routine is exactly what I try to achieve with my practice “

“The name Lua translates to Moon in Portuguese, my native language. The reason I chose this name was firstly to honour my roots but also because the moon phases and how it relates to us humans have always fascinated me. I strongly believe that we – like the moon – are cyclic beings, and once we understand our different phases and cycles we can use that in our favour by acknowledging, respecting and embracing our current phase, its strengths and limitations. Always keeping in mind that whatever we may be going through at this exact moment is just a phase, and it will always pass to make space for the new. In a way, it helps me keep mindful and in control of my emotions through connection with nature, which in my belief possesses the most beautiful and powerful healing energy of all”

Get started with Lua Naturopathy, today.